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Israel: Only Military Pressure Will Help Us Advance Hostages Deal

“Next week I am leaving for the United States to address both houses of Congress. I am going to present the justice of Israel’s cause, but I am also going to present the heroism of Israel, which is evident here. We are applying pressure here, to the throat of Hamas.”

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Is Israel Losing The War?

And it’s not just Israel. As we get slammed in Jerusalem, the anti-semitism we fail to neutralize in the international media, quickly spreads like a malignant cancer to universities and the streets of every city in the United States and Europe.

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Why Is Israel In Gaza? Rescuing Hostages!

Israel believes the terrorists are still holding around 120 hostages, with 43 pronounced dead. Survivors include about 15 women, two children under the age of 5 and two men in their 80s.

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Netanyahu Meets with Former US Ambassador Nikki Haley

“What too many people don’t know is that Hamas and Hezbollah are striking Israel every single day and it’s unacceptable. If this had happened to any other country, no other country would do anything less than what Israel is doing.”

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Netanyahu: ICC Encouraging Terrorism Against Israel, Pouring Gasoline on Fires of Antisemitism

“Mr. Khan creates a twisted and false moral equivalence between the leaders of Israel and the terrorists of Hamas. This is like creating a moral equivalence after September 11 between President Bush and Osama Bin Laden, or during World War II between FDR and Adolph Hitler.”

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Despite Anti-Semitism, Threats, Israel’s Eden Golan Advances to Eurovision Final on Saturday

“Eden, I want to wish you success, but you have already succeeded. You not only face Eurovision in a proud and impressive way, but you successfully face a wave of antisemitism while standing and representing the State of Israel with respect. Israel and the Jewish nation stand behind you with a loving embrace.”

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Prime Minister Netanyahu On Holocaust Remembrance Day: “If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

“If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

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Association of University Heads, Israel: Statement on Violent Demonstrations, Antisemitism In US

“We offer our immediate support to the Jewish and Israeli students and faculty facing these difficult and dangerous circumstances. We will do our very best to assist those of them who wish to join Israeli universities and find a welcoming academic and personal home.”

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Israel, US Prepare For Massive Iran Counter-Attack

“Our enemies think that they can pull apart Israel and the United States, but the opposite is true – they are bringing us together and strengthening our ties. We stand shoulder to shoulder. We are brothers.”

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What Will Pro-Hamas Protestors Chant At Oscars As Hamas Rejects Israel Ceasefire?

“On the evening of the Academy Awards, the entertainment industry has a responsibility to speak out on behalf of the 144 people – men, women, and children – who are being held captive in horrific conditions by Hamas.”

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Nefesh B’Nefesh Brings 720 Immigrants To Israel Since Oct. 7 Terror Attack

“The significant number of new immigrants to Israel during the Israel Hamas War and the tremendous increase in requests to make Aliyah is a beautiful expression of solidarity with Israel, providing us with a much-needed boost to our morale,”

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Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Holds Assessment in Khan Yunis, Gaza

“This war requires national resilience and determination, and we will persevere until we complete our missions. And it is much more difficult for Hamas, believe me. They don’t have weapons.”

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Israel Defense Forces Exposes Hamas Weapons In Gaza Hospitals

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Watch as IDF LTC (Res.) Jonathan Conricus exposes the countless Hamas weapons IDF troops have uncovered in the Shifa Hospital’s MRI building Jerusalem, Israel — November 15, 2023 … Israel Defense Forces commandos found a Hamas command center and an abundance of weapons and combat gear… Read More »

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Hamas Murders 260 People In Massacre At Israel Peace Festival

“This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, that slaughters and massacres Jews and Christians, including children, who simply went out to enjoy the holiday.”

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3,000 Hamas Terror Rockets Slam Jerusalem, Tel AvivOver 100 Israelis Dead, 1,000 Injured By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — October 7, 2023 … Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel “will win this war” against Hamas, hours after the terror group launched rockets and sent terrorists into Israeli territory… Read More »

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Netanyahu Holds Rosh Hashanah Toasts With Mossad, Israel Security Agency, IDF

“I would like to commend the IDF, from its most senior commanders to the last soldier, for the vigorous and relentless action that they carry out in order to defend us and our free, democratic state.”

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Prime Minister Netanyahu Meets New York Mayor Eric Adams

“You’re a great friend of Israel. You live in a city which is the intellectual, cultural, financial hub of the world – and we’re sort of another hub. And I know if you combine the hubs together we will be respected as never before.”

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“My Gap Year in Israel Was A Great Decision”

“The Jewish people need those with the brightest minds and the fullest hearts to come to Israel and experience it – and I am so grateful that I heeded the call.”

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United States Government Approves Historic Sale Of Israel’s “David’s Sling” by Finland

David’s Sling” is an advanced missile defense system that is co-developed and co-produced by the Israel Ministry of Defense’s IMDO and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency

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Israel Student Finds 1,500-Year-Old “Magical Mirror”

A young youth leader discovered an ancient “magical mirror” in an archaeological excavation in northern Israel By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — August 5, 2023 … One of the most innovative student programs operating in Israel consists of 500 high-school pupils on a “Survival Course” run by the Shelah and Land of Israel… Read More »

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Israel Develops Cures For Cancer

After a single injection into the tumor bed in animal models with melanoma, 44-60% of the cancer cells disappeared completely and permanently. By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency Tel Aviv / Jerusalem — July 2, 2023 … Researchers at Tel Aviv University encoded a toxin produced by bacteria into mRNA (messenger RNA) molecules and delivered these… Read More »

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Temple Beth Hillel, South Windsor, CT Bans Former Members from Security Training

As Jews we learn to welcome the stranger. We learn to forgive. We learn to cherish lives, whether they are in Connecticut, Israel, Haiti or Ukraine. We don’t throw fellow Jews into an unsafe environment (with no security training) which have become targets of deadly mass shootings.

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Celebrate Israel Parade Marches Down 5th Ave, Sunday, June 4

The Parade features over 40,000 marchers from many organizations. Hundreds of thousands enthusiastic spectators watch American and Israeli community leaders and dignitaries, entertainers, artists, musicians, dancers, celebrities, floats and marching bands. Many more watch on the live broadcast via television or live-stream.

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IDF: Iran Close To Developing Nuclear Weapon; Netanyahu Visits Israel Intelligence Base

“Iran has made more progress in the field of uranium enrichment than ever before. We are closely examining additional domains that lead to nuclear capability.”

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Israel Defense Minister Gallant Speaks with US Defense Sec Austin On Attacks From Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 8, 2023 … After over 50 rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria and terror attacks against Jewish civilians, Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant spoke this evening with his U.S. counterpart, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Israeli Minister Gallant… Read More »

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Israel Defense Forces Enable Safe Passage of Muslims For Ramadan

Israeli Police vowed to maintain freedom of worship and tackle “any attempt to use the month of Ramadan or the holy places to disrupt order, incite or support terrorism.”

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Israel Democracy – A Prayer And A Plea To IDF Reservists

Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — March 19, 2023 … In my many years of living in Israel and serving in the Israel Defense Forces (Handasa Kravit, MAGAV, Spokesperson’s Office) I have witnessed the good, the bad and ugly. Scud missiles missed me by yards, rockets missed me by inches.… Read More »

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First-Ever Israel National Pavilion Inaugurated in Japan Defense Exhibition

Despite the physical distance between Israel and Japan, we share many similarities as technology-oriented and innovation-driven nations.

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Remembering IDF Col., Astronaut Ilan Ramon

“We were all devastated as we witnessed the explosion. The radio silence between the Space Shuttle and Ground Control. There was no candy, only tears. He was one of us. He wore the uniform. But transcending all, he was a Jew who provided inspiration to the State of Israel and nations throughout the world. His was an act of peace that none of us will ever forget.”

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Israel PM Netanyahu Meets with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken

“This alliance is something that President Biden is committed to. I’ve known him for 40 years. He’s a true friend of Israel. A true champion of this alliance, as are you.”

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Netanyahu Is Committed to Maintaining Status Quo in Jerusalem

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — January 3, 2023 … Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is committed to strictly maintaining the status quo, without changes, on the Temple Mount. Netanyahu states: “We will not be dictated to by Hamas. Under the status quo, ministers have gone up to the… Read More »

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Technion Israel Develops Invisible Facemask Against Air-Borne Pathogens

Researchers at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have developed a revolutionary invisible facemask to protect wearers against the transmission of COVID, MERS, influenza, and other respiratory viruses.

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Trump Has Dinner With Holocaust Denier, White Supremacist Nick Fuentes

“Nick Fuentes is among the most prominent and unapologetic antisemites in the country,” said Leyden. “He’s a vicious bigot and known Holocaust denier who has been condemned by leading figures from both political parties here.”

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President Herzog, Prime Minister Lapid bid Farewell to US President Joe Biden; Saudi airspace now open to Israel.

The Saudi aviation authorities have announced that they will be opening Saudi airspace to Israeli airlines. This is the first official step in normalization with Saudi Arabia.

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Israel to India: “We have the opportunity to deepen defense cooperation, build on shared values for global stability.”

“India is an industrial superpower and Israel is a technological superpower – cooperation between our countries will expand the capabilities of both countries to contend with developing challenges.”

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Israel Prime Minister Bennett Salutes Iron Beam Laser Defense System

The Israel Defense Ministry revealed Thursday that a laser air defense system it is developing successfully shot down drones, rockets, mortars, and anti-tank missiles in a first series of tests last month.

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Prime Minister Bennett Visits Terror Victims Wounded in Tel Aviv Attack

“We are going from defense to offense and are striking at the sources of the terrorism at any time and any place – at night, during the day, morning and evening, everywhere. As I have said, there will be no restrictions on the security forces – on the IDF, ISA or the Israel Police. We will continue pursuing the terrorists everywhere.”

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Israel, Jewish Agency, Jewish Federations Rescuing Jews From Ukraine

“As of today, March 10, The Jewish Agency will significantly increase its operations inside Ukraine to maximize the ability to save Jewish lives.”

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Israel Ministry of Defense Signs Agreement With U.S. to Acquire Helicopters and Refueling Aircraft

Israel Defense Minister, Benny Gantz appears to be preparing for engagement with Iran.

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PM Bennett Lights Chanukah Candle at Western Wall, President Herzog Lights Candle in Hebron

Herzog concluded: “When we assemble around the wonderful light of the Chanukah candles, it is important that we respect the Israeli principle of mamlakhtiyut and its tenets, listen more to the other, respect difference, and build one bridge after another in order to protect our togetherness, of course without prejudice to any individual or community, their opinions and faiths. We will not agree on everything, but we will always remember that “we are all sons of one man” (Genesis 42:11). That we all share deep roots branching out of this tomb.”

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Israel – Fighting Terrorism And Covid

“Today we mark the day of appreciation for those who have been wounded in Israel’s wars and in terrorist attacks. Going to battle and defending the State of Israel is an extraordinarily heroic act, but the contribution does not end there. Some people carry the battle scars with them even years later, and some for life. On behalf of the government of Israel, and on behalf of the entire Israeli public, I would like to say to you, to those who have been wounded in Israel’s wars and in terrorist attacks. Thank you very much.”

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ADL Sponsors Never Is Now – World’s Largest Summit On Antisemitism Nov. 7-9

ADL’s sixth annual Never Is Now Summit will address the current state of antisemitism, extremism, and all forms of bigotry, and will discuss ways to innovate against hate.

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New Hope For Dementia, Alzheimer’s Patients – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Israeli scientists say they have managed to successfully reverse the biological aging process using only oxygen.

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New York Times Attacks “Powerful Rabbis” for Iron Dome Funding

The New York Times must publicly, clearly and substantively apologize for its reporter lying about “powerful rabbis” and explain how its editors could permit such an obviously anti-Semitic canard to be published on its pages.

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Israel Is In Danger. We Need To Be Vigilant

“Israelis need to remain vigilant, because what we heard on Sunday is not simply the talk of a politician who lost an election. It is the talk of someone determined to do everything he can to stop the transfer of power to another prime minister and a new government meant to replace him.”

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Anti-Semitism – When Staying Silent Isn’t An Option

“Where were the human rights activists when Hamas decided to launch a rocket from a preschool this week? Where were the human rights activists when Hamas (twice) bombed a humanitarian convoy from Israel facilitating the transfer of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza? Where were the human rights activists when Palestinian activists terrorized innocent Jewish civilians in LA, New York, London and Toronto this week?”

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Before You “Unfriend” Another Jew Because Of Trump – Read This!

“Trump comes off as arrogant. Israelis love it and see him as family. Americans see a totally different picture – of a man who is mentally disabled.”

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Israel Cabinet Approves Netanyahu’s Proposal to Submit UAE Peace Agreement To Knesset

“This is the first peace agreement that Israel has signed in over 25 years. We are also completing the agreements with Bahrain, meaning that we will be making peace with two Arab states at the same time.”

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Cyber Week Online Offers High-level Networking From Your Home

Cyber Week offers a unique gathering of cybersecurity experts, industry leaders, startups, investors, academics, diplomats, and government officials. With over 9,000 attendees from more than 80 countries, this conference offers an exciting exchange of knowledge, methods, and ideas.

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Israel, UAE Say Yes To Peace

“I’ve always believed that we could establish peace with the Arab world and I have been working towards that lofty goal for decades. You may not know it, but I’ve been doing it all the time in meetings that are publicized and in many that are not. In Washington, in the Middle East, in daylight and in nighttime.”

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Israel Defense Forces Distributes Food To Elderly, Disabled, Poor

The Israel Defense Forces is assisting Israel’s elderly population, the disabled and the needy, ensuring access to food and medication, as well as basic human interaction, during the coronavirus crisis.

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Friends of IDF Search, Rescue Unit 669 To Hold New York Gala Event

The event will be hosted by Bill Cohen, Vice Chairman of AFU 669 with opening remarks by Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General of New York.