Tag Archives: holocaust remembrance day

Prime Minister Netanyahu On Holocaust Remembrance Day: “If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

“If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

Israel President Rivlin Addresses Poland, Anti-Semitism At Holocaust Remembrance

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Athens, Greece — January 29, 2018 … Israeli President Rivlin commented on Poland’s denial of its role in the Holocaust. Rivlin, who is visiting Greece, stated that in relation to the new Polish legislation that Poland’s  decision to place in prison those who speak of Poland’s complicity with Nazi… Read More »

Holocaust Remembrance Day Honored Online

By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem, Israel — January 26, 2018 … A valuable online resource which honors the memory of the 6 million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust can be found at: www.HolocaustRemembranceDay.org The domain directs to an interactive Facebook page which integrates the most valuable and respected Holocaust resources including Yad… Read More »