Tag Archives: benjamin netanyahu

Despite Anti-Semitism, Threats, Israel’s Eden Golan Advances to Eurovision Final on Saturday

“Eden, I want to wish you success, but you have already succeeded. You not only face Eurovision in a proud and impressive way, but you successfully face a wave of antisemitism while standing and representing the State of Israel with respect. Israel and the Jewish nation stand behind you with a loving embrace.”

Netanyahu Is Committed to Maintaining Status Quo in Jerusalem

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — January 3, 2023 … Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is committed to strictly maintaining the status quo, without changes, on the Temple Mount. Netanyahu states: “We will not be dictated to by Hamas. Under the status quo, ministers have gone up to the… Read More »

The Most Influential Jews On Twitter

By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem, Israel — January 4, 2019 … The Israel News Agency, one of the first English news sites on the Internet (1995), is proud to list those Jews who have the greatest, most far reaching and positive impact on Israel’s online image. Of all the media channels, Twitter is by… Read More »

Trump Arrives In Israel, Visits Western Wall

President Trump visited Jerusalem’s Western Wall but never  acknowledged that this holy Jewish site was part of Israel. By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — May 22, 2017 … It was a day filled with history as the first sitting US President stood by the Western Wall and placed a note inside. President… Read More »

Obama Allows UN To Declare Israel’s Western Wall “Occupied Territory”

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — December 25, 2016 … Following an UN Security Council resolution that condemns Israeli settlements, a resolution that Barack Obama allowed to pass with 14 votes,  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Elect Donald Trump and  Jewish leaders responded with pure revulsion. After an intense period of diplomacy… Read More »