Tag Archives: christians

Netanyahu Meets with Former US Ambassador Nikki Haley

“What too many people don’t know is that Hamas and Hezbollah are striking Israel every single day and it’s unacceptable. If this had happened to any other country, no other country would do anything less than what Israel is doing.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu Meets New York Mayor Eric Adams

“You’re a great friend of Israel. You live in a city which is the intellectual, cultural, financial hub of the world – and we’re sort of another hub. And I know if you combine the hubs together we will be respected as never before.”

Celebrate Israel Parade Marches Down 5th Ave, Sunday, June 4

The Parade features over 40,000 marchers from many organizations. Hundreds of thousands enthusiastic spectators watch American and Israeli community leaders and dignitaries, entertainers, artists, musicians, dancers, celebrities, floats and marching bands. Many more watch on the live broadcast via television or live-stream.

Netanyahu: Christians Are Very Welcome In Israel

Over 400 Christian Israelis Serve In The Israel Defense Forces By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency December 2017 — Jerusalem, Israel … The following was communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  Christmas Greetings www.facebook.com/IsraeliPM/videos/vb.124149704266450/1951096988238370/?type=2&theater “It’s a pleasure for me, on Christmas, to be here, standing in Jerusalem, the holy city.… Read More »

Israel To Expand Humanitarian Aid To Syria

By John Hill Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — December 20, 2016 … More than five years after it began, the Syrian civil war has killed a reported 470,000 people. Bombings are destroying crowded cities and horrific human rights violations are widespread. Basic necessities like food and medical care are sparse. The U.N. estimates that… Read More »

UNESCO: King David, Jesus Never Existed

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — October 14, 2016 … In a move which represents one of the largest acts of anti-semitism in modern history, UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – voted on a draft text to remove all Jewish and Christian ties to Jerusalem. The draft text was passed… Read More »

Netanyahu Tells UN General Assembly: No Nuclear Weapons For Iran

Edited by Joel Leyden See Video of Netanyahu UN General Assembly Speech: www.IsraelUN.com United Nations, New York — September 22, 2016 … Following is a transcript of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks today at the United Nations General Assembly in New York: “Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, What I’m about to say is going to shock… Read More »

Israel Offers Condolences, Aid To Kenya After Christian Massacre

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 5, 2015 … Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke today with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and conveyed his condolences – on behalf of the citizens of Israel – in wake of the reprehensible Islamic terrorist attack that was perpetrated in Kenya. Prime Minister Netanyahu told Kenyan… Read More »