Tag Archives: pr

Israel: Only Military Pressure Will Help Us Advance Hostages Deal

“Next week I am leaving for the United States to address both houses of Congress. I am going to present the justice of Israel’s cause, but I am also going to present the heroism of Israel, which is evident here. We are applying pressure here, to the throat of Hamas.”

IDF Promotes Manelis As Spokesperson, Conricus To Head Foreign Media

Brigadier-General Ronen Manelis now responsible for the IDF’s domestic and global image. By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — May 24, 2017 … The Israel Defense Forces have promoted Col. Ronen Manelis to the rank of brigadier-general as he took up the post of IDF Spokesperson at a ceremony at the Kirya military headquarters… Read More »

Alan Weinkrantz – An Israeli PR Soldier

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Tel Aviv, Israel — June 19, 2016 … Alan Weinkrantz was a mensch. A highly skilled Texas PR professional who was there for Israel when fax machines were used, was there for Israel as Facebook and Twitter evolved. Alan was one of a rare handful of seasoned, Anglo public… Read More »

Joel Leyden – Cyber Warrior

Many people heard about last month’s pro-Israel rally in Trafalgar Square via Facebook By Lucy Tobint  London — August 11, 2015 … When Joel Leyden speaks about Israel, at least a million people listen. His name may not be familiar, but if you have ever used Google to look up anything on the Middle East, then you… Read More »

Israel: Flotilla Took Wrong Turn – Syria, ISIS Murdering Thousands

Turkey, Iran, Syria attempting to divert media away from their human rights abuses. By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — June 28, 2015 … In response to a failed PR stunt using a flotilla of boats to illegally enter Gaza, paid activists supporting Hamas in Gaza will be welcomed to Israel with a letter from… Read More »

Over 50,000 Attend Annual Celebrate Israel Parade

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency New York — June 1, 2015 … With Israel being bashed everywhere from the White House, Iran, and the ICC to BDS, Flotillas and J Street, having a parade of over 50,000 people cheering and smiling is just the medicine the Jewish nation so badly needs. In 1965, thousands walked down… Read More »