Tag Archives: jerusalem

Is Israel Losing The War?

And it’s not just Israel. As we get slammed in Jerusalem, the anti-semitism we fail to neutralize in the international media, quickly spreads like a malignant cancer to universities and the streets of every city in the United States and Europe.

Netanyahu Meets with Former US Ambassador Nikki Haley

“What too many people don’t know is that Hamas and Hezbollah are striking Israel every single day and it’s unacceptable. If this had happened to any other country, no other country would do anything less than what Israel is doing.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu On Holocaust Remembrance Day: “If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

“If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

Nefesh B’Nefesh Brings 720 Immigrants To Israel Since Oct. 7 Terror Attack

“The significant number of new immigrants to Israel during the Israel Hamas War and the tremendous increase in requests to make Aliyah is a beautiful expression of solidarity with Israel, providing us with a much-needed boost to our morale,”

Hamas Murders 260 People In Massacre At Israel Peace Festival

“This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, that slaughters and massacres Jews and Christians, including children, who simply went out to enjoy the holiday.”