Tag Archives: middle east

Israel Prime Minister Bennett Salutes Iron Beam Laser Defense System

The Israel Defense Ministry revealed Thursday that a laser air defense system it is developing successfully shot down drones, rockets, mortars, and anti-tank missiles in a first series of tests last month.

Israel: We Look Forward To Working With President-Elect Trump

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — November 9, 2016 … Part of the following was communicated by the Prime Minister’s Office to the Israel News Agency. Upon winning the US Electoral College votes confirming that Donald Trump had won the race for the Presidency, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement.… Read More »

“The Survival of Israel is Non-Negotiable”

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 4, 2015 … Part of the following was communicated by the Prime Minister’s Office to the Israel News Agency. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement: “I just came from a meeting of the Israeli cabinet. We discussed the proposed framework for a deal… Read More »

UN Ignores Murder of Christians in Arab States

New York, New York — March 31, 2015 … The United Nations is turning a blind eye to the murder of Christians and other minorities in the Arab world, said Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor. “In 2013, three Iranian Christians were caught selling Bibles, found guilty of ‘crimes against state security,’ and… Read More »