Tag Archives: mossad

Is Israel Losing The War?

And it’s not just Israel. As we get slammed in Jerusalem, the anti-semitism we fail to neutralize in the international media, quickly spreads like a malignant cancer to universities and the streets of every city in the United States and Europe.

What Will Pro-Hamas Protestors Chant At Oscars As Hamas Rejects Israel Ceasefire?

“On the evening of the Academy Awards, the entertainment industry has a responsibility to speak out on behalf of the 144 people – men, women, and children – who are being held captive in horrific conditions by Hamas.”

Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Holds Assessment in Khan Yunis, Gaza

“This war requires national resilience and determination, and we will persevere until we complete our missions. And it is much more difficult for Hamas, believe me. They don’t have weapons.”

Hamas Murders 260 People In Massacre At Israel Peace Festival

“This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, that slaughters and massacres Jews and Christians, including children, who simply went out to enjoy the holiday.”

Netanyahu Holds Rosh Hashanah Toasts With Mossad, Israel Security Agency, IDF

“I would like to commend the IDF, from its most senior commanders to the last soldier, for the vigorous and relentless action that they carry out in order to defend us and our free, democratic state.”