Tag Archives: public relations

Is Israel Losing The War?

And it’s not just Israel. As we get slammed in Jerusalem, the anti-semitism we fail to neutralize in the international media, quickly spreads like a malignant cancer to universities and the streets of every city in the United States and Europe.

Alan Weinkrantz – An Israeli PR Soldier

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Tel Aviv, Israel — June 19, 2016 … Alan Weinkrantz was a mensch. A highly skilled Texas PR professional who was there for Israel when fax machines were used, was there for Israel as Facebook and Twitter evolved. Alan was one of a rare handful of seasoned, Anglo public… Read More »

Joel Leyden – Cyber Warrior

Many people heard about last month’s pro-Israel rally in Trafalgar Square via Facebook By Lucy Tobint  London — August 11, 2015 … When Joel Leyden speaks about Israel, at least a million people listen. His name may not be familiar, but if you have ever used Google to look up anything on the Middle East, then you… Read More »