Tag Archives: isis

Israel: Only Military Pressure Will Help Us Advance Hostages Deal

“Next week I am leaving for the United States to address both houses of Congress. I am going to present the justice of Israel’s cause, but I am also going to present the heroism of Israel, which is evident here. We are applying pressure here, to the throat of Hamas.”

Israel Prime Minister Bennett Salutes Iron Beam Laser Defense System

The Israel Defense Ministry revealed Thursday that a laser air defense system it is developing successfully shot down drones, rockets, mortars, and anti-tank missiles in a first series of tests last month.

Prime Minister Bennett Visits Terror Victims Wounded in Tel Aviv Attack

“We are going from defense to offense and are striking at the sources of the terrorism at any time and any place – at night, during the day, morning and evening, everywhere. As I have said, there will be no restrictions on the security forces – on the IDF, ISA or the Israel Police. We will continue pursuing the terrorists everywhere.”