Tag Archives: lebanon

Israel: Only Military Pressure Will Help Us Advance Hostages Deal

“Next week I am leaving for the United States to address both houses of Congress. I am going to present the justice of Israel’s cause, but I am also going to present the heroism of Israel, which is evident here. We are applying pressure here, to the throat of Hamas.”

Israel Defense Minister Gallant Speaks with US Defense Sec Austin On Attacks From Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 8, 2023 … After over 50 rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria and terror attacks against Jewish civilians, Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant spoke this evening with his U.S. counterpart, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Israeli Minister Gallant… Read More »

Israel Ministry of Defense Signs Agreement With U.S. to Acquire Helicopters and Refueling Aircraft

Israel Defense Minister, Benny Gantz appears to be preparing for engagement with Iran.

IDF On High Alert As Operation Northern Shield Destroys Hezbollah Tunnels

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — December 4, 2018 … Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following announcement today: “This morning the IDF began Operation Northern Shield, the goal of which is to uncover and neutralize terrorist tunnels from Lebanon. We are proud of the fighters and commanders of… Read More »