Tag Archives: germany

Prime Minister Netanyahu On Holocaust Remembrance Day: “If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

“If we need to stand alone – we will stand alone.”

Judy Glickman Lauder: Beyond the Shadows: The Holocaust and the Danish Exception

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency New York — November 24, 2018 …  Ordinary people whose lives are transformed into unimaginable suffering and acts of incredible bravery—are the subject of Judy Glickman Lauder’s remarkable photographs. Beyond the Shadows illustrates the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust, while addressing the narrative of how the citizens and leadership of… Read More »

AntiSemitism – From Gaza, Germany To France, Durham

Israel has one of the most diverse, inclusive police forces in the world. An Open Letter To Durham, NC Mayor Steve Schewel:                    April 25, 2018 Dear Mayor Schewel, I just finished watching the Durham City Council meeting of April 16, 2018 which implemented a ban on working… Read More »

Jeremy Issacharoff: Israel Thanks Germany For Taking Responsibility For Holocaust – Other Nations Must Follow

Israeli Ambassador to Germany Jeremy Issacharoff  Edited by Joel Leyden Israel News Agency The following is the text of a speech by Israeli Ambassador to Germany Jeremy Issacharoff to the German Foreign Ministry in honor of the opening of the Yad Vashem exhibit, Beyond Duty. Beyond Duty highlights diplomats who saved Jews during the Holocaust. Germany —… Read More »

Holocaust Remembrance Day Honored Online

By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem, Israel — January 26, 2018 … A valuable online resource which honors the memory of the 6 million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust can be found at: www.HolocaustRemembranceDay.org The domain directs to an interactive Facebook page which integrates the most valuable and respected Holocaust resources including Yad… Read More »

Netanyahu: Don’t Support Traitors At Breaking The Silence

European countries pay Breaking The Silence to slander and destroy Israel. By Herb Brandon Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 25, 2017 … Israeli-German relations hit a rare snag on Tuesday, the day after Holocaust Remembrance Day, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a meeting with visiting German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel because he insisted… Read More »

Netanyahu: Israel Stands With Germany After Tragic Shootings

By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem, Israel — July 23, 2016 … The following statement was communicated by the Israel Prime Minister’s Office to the Israel News Agency. “Israel sends condolences to Germany over the murder of innocent citizens in the tragic shooting attack that occurred in Munich on Friday and wishes the wounded a quick… Read More »

Israel: Elie Wiesel Personified Triumph Of Human Spirit Over Evil

Elie Wiesel shows his support for Prime Minister Netanyahu as he warns the US Congress of a second Holocaust created by Iran’s nuclear terror program. By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — July 2, 2016 … Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening issued the following statement on the passing of Elie Wiesel: “The… Read More »

Israel Prepares For Holocaust Memorial Day

  By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 30, 2016 … The official Opening Ceremony for Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day will take place on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 20:00, in Warsaw Ghetto Square, Yad Vashem, Mount of Remembrance, Jerusalem. Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will… Read More »