Tag Archives: islamic jihad

Netanyahu: ICC Encouraging Terrorism Against Israel, Pouring Gasoline on Fires of Antisemitism

“Mr. Khan creates a twisted and false moral equivalence between the leaders of Israel and the terrorists of Hamas. This is like creating a moral equivalence after September 11 between President Bush and Osama Bin Laden, or during World War II between FDR and Adolph Hitler.”

Israel Defense Forces Exposes Hamas Weapons In Gaza Hospitals

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Watch as IDF LTC (Res.) Jonathan Conricus exposes the countless Hamas weapons IDF troops have uncovered in the Shifa Hospital’s MRI building Jerusalem, Israel — November 15, 2023 … Israel Defense Forces commandos found a Hamas command center and an abundance of weapons and combat gear… Read More »

Hamas Murders 260 People In Massacre At Israel Peace Festival

“This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, that slaughters and massacres Jews and Christians, including children, who simply went out to enjoy the holiday.”

Netanyahu Is Committed to Maintaining Status Quo in Jerusalem

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — January 3, 2023 … Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is committed to strictly maintaining the status quo, without changes, on the Temple Mount. Netanyahu states: “We will not be dictated to by Hamas. Under the status quo, ministers have gone up to the… Read More »