Tag Archives: jerusalem


3,000 Hamas Terror Rockets Slam Jerusalem, Tel AvivOver 100 Israelis Dead, 1,000 Injured By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — October 7, 2023 … Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel “will win this war” against Hamas, hours after the terror group launched rockets and sent terrorists into Israeli territory… Read More »

Prime Minister Netanyahu Meets New York Mayor Eric Adams

“You’re a great friend of Israel. You live in a city which is the intellectual, cultural, financial hub of the world – and we’re sort of another hub. And I know if you combine the hubs together we will be respected as never before.”

“My Gap Year in Israel Was A Great Decision”

“The Jewish people need those with the brightest minds and the fullest hearts to come to Israel and experience it – and I am so grateful that I heeded the call.”

Israel Develops Cures For Cancer

After a single injection into the tumor bed in animal models with melanoma, 44-60% of the cancer cells disappeared completely and permanently. By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency Tel Aviv / Jerusalem — July 2, 2023 … Researchers at Tel Aviv University encoded a toxin produced by bacteria into mRNA (messenger RNA) molecules and delivered these… Read More »

Celebrate Israel Parade Marches Down 5th Ave, Sunday, June 4

The Parade features over 40,000 marchers from many organizations. Hundreds of thousands enthusiastic spectators watch American and Israeli community leaders and dignitaries, entertainers, artists, musicians, dancers, celebrities, floats and marching bands. Many more watch on the live broadcast via television or live-stream.

Israel Defense Minister Gallant Speaks with US Defense Sec Austin On Attacks From Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 8, 2023 … After over 50 rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria and terror attacks against Jewish civilians, Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant spoke this evening with his U.S. counterpart, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Israeli Minister Gallant… Read More »

Israel Defense Forces Enable Safe Passage of Muslims For Ramadan

Israeli Police vowed to maintain freedom of worship and tackle “any attempt to use the month of Ramadan or the holy places to disrupt order, incite or support terrorism.”