Tag Archives: israel news agency

Israel Prime Minister Bennett Salutes Iron Beam Laser Defense System

The Israel Defense Ministry revealed Thursday that a laser air defense system it is developing successfully shot down drones, rockets, mortars, and anti-tank missiles in a first series of tests last month.

Israel Ministry of Defense Signs Agreement With U.S. to Acquire Helicopters and Refueling Aircraft

Israel Defense Minister, Benny Gantz appears to be preparing for engagement with Iran.

Israel – Fighting Terrorism And Covid

“Today we mark the day of appreciation for those who have been wounded in Israel’s wars and in terrorist attacks. Going to battle and defending the State of Israel is an extraordinarily heroic act, but the contribution does not end there. Some people carry the battle scars with them even years later, and some for life. On behalf of the government of Israel, and on behalf of the entire Israeli public, I would like to say to you, to those who have been wounded in Israel’s wars and in terrorist attacks. Thank you very much.”

The Most Influential Jews On Twitter

By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem, Israel — January 4, 2019 … The Israel News Agency, one of the first English news sites on the Internet (1995), is proud to list those Jews who have the greatest, most far reaching and positive impact on Israel’s online image. Of all the media channels, Twitter is by… Read More »