Tag Archives: joel leyden

Israel Defense Forces Exposes Hamas Weapons In Gaza Hospitals

By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Watch as IDF LTC (Res.) Jonathan Conricus exposes the countless Hamas weapons IDF troops have uncovered in the Shifa Hospital’s MRI building Jerusalem, Israel — November 15, 2023 … Israel Defense Forces commandos found a Hamas command center and an abundance of weapons and combat gear… Read More »


3,000 Hamas Terror Rockets Slam Jerusalem, Tel AvivOver 100 Israelis Dead, 1,000 Injured By Joel LeydenIsrael News Agency / Jewish News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — October 7, 2023 … Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel “will win this war” against Hamas, hours after the terror group launched rockets and sent terrorists into Israeli territory… Read More »

Remembering IDF Col., Astronaut Ilan Ramon

“We were all devastated as we witnessed the explosion. The radio silence between the Space Shuttle and Ground Control. There was no candy, only tears. He was one of us. He wore the uniform. But transcending all, he was a Jew who provided inspiration to the State of Israel and nations throughout the world. His was an act of peace that none of us will ever forget.”