Tag Archives: humanitarian aid

Will Jerusalem Post Conference Address Obama’s Israel Bashing?

As Obama bashes Israel for embracing security, Palestinian rockets slam Israeli cities, towns. By Ariel Kahana Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — June 5, 2015 … President Barack Obama recently accused Israel of failing to live up to the high standards of Jewish moral responsibility. So for his benefit, here is a list of Israel’s contributions… Read More »

VIDEO: 24 Hours At IDF Nepal Field Hospital in 42 Seconds

By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Nepal — May 9, 2015 … As the 260 doctors, nurses and paramedics at the IDF Humanitarian Field Hospital in Nepal celebrate Shabbat, they are proud that on day 10 of their mission: 178 patients were treated, 295 public structures were evaluated. A total of 1,427 patients have been… Read More »

Israel Sends Humanitarian Search, Rescue, Medical Team To Nepal

………….. PM Netanyahu Holds Update on the Situation in Nepal  By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel — April 25, 2015 … Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening  following the lethal earthquake in Nepal and nearby areas, held an assessment of the situation, via telephone, with Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Israel… Read More »

Israel Creates Global Ebola Blood Registry

By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem, Israel — October 10, 2014 … Private citizens in Israel are now coordinating with the Israeli government to create a global Ebola blood registry. The Ebola Blood Registry will match Ebola survivors with Ebola victims who share the same blood type. Matching Ebola survivors with Ebola victims through an effective,… Read More »