Will Jerusalem Post Conference Address Obama’s Israel Bashing?

By | June 7, 2015

As Obama bashes Israel for embracing security,
Palestinian rockets slam Israeli cities, towns.

By Ariel Kahana
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem, Israel — June 5, 2015 … President Barack Obama recently accused Israel of failing to live up to the high standards of Jewish moral responsibility. So for his benefit, here is a list of Israel’s contributions around the world that show its incredible moral responsibility.

Jewish values “in many ways came to be my own values,” U.S. President Barack Obama told a sympathetic Jewish audience two weeks ago, eliciting enthusiastic applause. Anyone who saw Obama’s address at the Adas Israel congregation in Washington on May 22 could have easily thought that the American president was speaking directly from the heart.

“Jews took the heart of Biblical edict that we must not oppress a stranger, having been strangers once ourselves,” Obama, wearing a white kippah, said in a speech honoring Jewish American Heritage month.

“I have high expectations for Israel, the same way I have high expectations for the United States of America.

“The notion of pioneers who set out not only to safeguard a nation, but to remake the world. Not only to make the desert bloom, but to allow their values to flourish; to ensure that the best of Judaism would thrive.

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