By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency
Tel Aviv — September 9, 2014 … Tel Aviv’s largest international high-tech gathering, DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival, will be taking place on September 13-20th, 2014.
The festival will feature hundreds of startups, VC’s, angel investors and leading multinationals boasting top technological talent, the highest venture capital investments per capita and multinational centers for industry leaders such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, GM, Amdocs, Facebook and more.
The Festival will contain 100 different international innovation events, ranging from meetups, conferences and panels to public events, receptions and networking events. An updated list of events for the Festival can be found at
The events throughout the festival are organized by different companies, networks, organizations, etc.
Main events will include:
The DLD Tel Aviv Conference: (9:00-18:00) taking place at the “Tachana” Complex :http://dldtelaviv2014.evolero.
Foreign Press Startup Tour: (9:00-12:00 or 15:00-18:00) members of the press will visit co-working spaces, incubators and small startup that are about to be the next big thing.
Open Startup: (17:00-23:00) – Over 100 startups around the city will be opening their offices to the general public – exposing the innovations and ground-breaking technologies that make Tel Aviv one of the world’s leading “startup cities”. Information regarding Open Startup can be found at:http://openstartup.whats-on.
Rothschild Boulevard Urban Happening: (18:00-23:00) Tel Aviv’s startup Boulevard will transform into a “Meetup Boulevard”, as cafes’, bars and galleries will host meetups in a large array of fields. More info at:
Plaza to Plaza (19:00-23:00)– an outdoor public-space celebration of urban innovation and ingenuity throughout the main Startup Boulevard – Rothschild Blvd. Including screening of sci-fi movies on the wall of the national theater, augmented reality posters, computer games stations, art displays using innovative technology, fashion show of wearable tech, a teen-expo of teen inventions and more.
Additional events taking place during innovation week:
Sunday–Thursday, Sep. 14-18 – Start Tel Aviv – Startup entrepreneurs from 16 countries around the world will be given the opportunity to experience Tel Aviv’s startup ecosystem. Participants were chosen through startup competitions held in the respective countries. Start Tel Aviv is collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tel Aviv Global. Additional Information can be found at:
Monday – Tuesday, Sep. 15-16 – The 5th Annual Cities Summit Tel Aviv: “Cracking the Innovation Code” – bringing together urban administrators and innovators from leading cities around the world, discussing what cities are doing to attract the creative class.
Updated information can be found at: