Israeli Murdered in Drive-by Terror Attack Near Ariel

By INA Staff

Jerusalem----August 8.......Zohar Shurgi, 40, of Moshav Yafit in the Jordan Valley, was killed last night in a drive-by shooting on the Trans-Samaria Highway between Ariel and the Tapuah junction.

Magen David Adom paramedics were the first to arrive on the scene. As they approached the car they thought it may have been an accident, until they saw a bullet hole in Shurgi's left cheek.

Shurgi was married and the father of three children. He worked in the center of the country and had lived in Yafit for six years, said Jordan Valley Regional Council spokeswoman Orit Azriely.

"It is a tragedy. He has three children - 13, nine, and three. How much longer can this go on?" she said.